Contemplative, Connected, Curious

The stage feels sacred. There's a certain presence or emotional energy that hovers above the room

Contemplative, Connected, Curious


This is Sedgewick. A (sometimes) three-piece dream-folk band out of Chicago.

Formally, there are three of us. Functionally, we're a six-piece, explains Jake Hawrylak (guitar), one of the founding members along with Oliver Horton (bass) and Sam Brownson (guitar).  When we play out we've got Mitch Settecase (drums), Sadie Glaspey (violin) and Alison Gaines (cello). Functionally we're a six piece.

Last year was a pivotal year for Sedgewick as they released their EP, Gardens.

With whimsical lyrical progressions and chords,  The World in You - the first song off the EP - is the perfect background to that daydream you have as you stare out the window from the back row of math class.  Beneath the Fireworks will have you thinking back to a summer love from long ago.

S: Nostalgia was definitely a theme because they were songs that Oliver and I wrote in college that we revisited. Recording them was a little bit like taking some material of sentimental value that’s haunted you for a while, throwing it in a bottle and casting it out to sea so you don’t have to carry it around anymore.

What's next? After finding success as a band, the guys have started work on their sophomore album. The new album will reflect their individual growth as well as the evolution of Sedgewick's sound.

O: My hope for the new album is for us to come into our sound. In the last album we landed on something unique. I want this next album to fortify our sound, but still sound new. For example, I want the voices to still be on the forefront but the backdrop and atmosphere to be something no one has heard before. 

J: I'm doing away with the lofty visions I had when I was younger about trying to be groundbreaking or trying to be different. Instead, I want to welcome a space where the songs, the record, the shows, are all just a reflection of the people we are at this time.

S: We are taking a step towards an edgier, darker side of our sound with the new album. It’s an acknowledgement of where we are as a band and as individuals, and that’s a place that’s not always sunny and pleasant, but there’s always some beauty in it that we’re trying to dig out.

Their soundcloud is great and all, but give this Sedgewick video a listen. You wont be disappointed.

Posted on February 9, 2016 .