New Apparel?

Check out the popular clothing retailers, and you'll find  a constantly shifting lineup of new apparel. These brands are consistently turning out new material for consumption as part of the fast fashion movement. Fast fashion revolves around the cheap, quick production of the seasons' latest trends. Now, whats wrong with that? 

Mass producing clothing at a low cost to the consumer comes at a price. The clothing is often made to fall apart quickly, forcing you to buy the next trend. The fast fashion trend feeds itself. In order to create cheap clothing, big brands take advantage of cheap sources of labor. These cheap sources of labor often involve underpaying workers, sweat shops, and child labor.

Want to know more about fast fashion? Watch this piece by John Oliver. 

That isn't the way we approach our apparel. Not only do we want our apparel to last, but we take pride in making sure our apparel represents our company, our aesthetic, and our beliefs. This takes time. We're always working on our concepts, but you wont find a new product here daily.  What you will find are well designed, crafted, and thoughtful pieces.

We've all been guilty of fast fashion at some point, but, here are some tips on how to be smart about your consumption.

Posted on July 1, 2015 .